Legionella Risk Assessments UK
Conducting a legionella risk assessment on your site is a legal requirement. The requirement for conducting a legionella risk assessment is defined under the following legislation:
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1999 (COSHH)
Engaging with a water specialist such as Absolute water Compliance will ensure that you eliminate the risk of contracting the potentially fatal Legionnaire's disease.
Risk Assessment
Our Legionella risk assessment certificates allow you to fully understand what systems you have, the risks and how to control these affectively. View our Free Legionella template here.
Legionella Risk Assessment - FREE QUOTE
Legionella Risk Assessment FAQ'S

What is a Legionella Risk
A legionella Risk assessment is used to identify potential risk factors of a water service in any work place or building.

What conditions promote the growth of Legionella?
Temperatures between 20°c and 45°c

How often is a Legionella Risk assessment required?
When there is suspect that the current Legionella Risk assessment is no longer Valid....
What is Legionnaires Bacteria?
Legionella bacteria is found in natural environments including ponds, rivers and lakes. Legionella bacteria can also be supplied in small droplets within the mains water supply through aerosols. If bacteria is found in the water supply then this is the risk as it may be Legionnaires disease.
As such where there is a potential risk that legionella could develop there is a need to manage and mitigate those risks.
Certain regulatory bodies such as the HSE declare that "if you are an employer or someone in control of premises, including landlords you need to be aware of the risks that legionella
What are the contributing factors to legionella bacteria growth?
Temperatures between 20-45°C ​
Nutrients such as sediment, biofilm, algae
Poor or inadequate ​management including training and awareness. ​
What is Legionnaires disease?
Legionnaires disease is a type if pneumonia which can potentially be fatal. Legionnaires disease is most likely to affect those with a weakened immune system including the elderly and the very young. Legionnaires disease is caused through the inhalation of airborne water droplets that contain legionella bacteria. Legionnaires disease isn't contagious and cannot be spread between persons.
Download our Free Legionella risk assessment template HERE.